
Finite Expectation Induces Finite Almost Surely

Posted by J Leaves on July 15, 2019
\[E(\vert X \vert)<\infty \quad \Rightarrow \quad \Pr(\vert X \vert<\infty)=1 \quad\text{i.e.}\quad \vert X \vert<\infty \;\text{a.s.}\]

If not $\vert X \vert<∞$ a.s., then there is a set of positive measure where $\vert X \vert=∞$. The integral


is defined only when at most one of the summands is infinite.

If $X=+∞$ on a set of positive measure, then $X=−∞$ only on a zero-set, and then $E(X)=+∞$.
Similarly, if $X=−∞$ on a set of positive measure, then $E(X)=−∞$.

Thus we have the following possibilities:

  • $\vert E(X) \vert<∞$ and $\vert X \vert<∞$ a.s.
  • $E(X)=+∞​$ and $X>−∞​$ a.s.
  • $E(X)=−∞$ and $X<∞$ a.s.
  • $X$ is not integrable ($E(X)$ does not exixts)

Note: If $E(X)<∞$ without absolute value, it is possible to have $\vert X \vert=∞$ with positive probability.


probability - Does finite expectation imply bounded random variable?